“Kennedy History”
Selected Stories: 1950s-2010s

Road to the White House

“JFK’s 1960 Campaign”

Primaries & Fall Election

The historic campaign,
with city-by-city itinerary
— and lots of photos.

Politics & Culture

“JFK’s Pacific Swim”

August 1962

A surprise “Presidential
swim” by John F. Kennedy
at Santa Monica,CA.

Publishing & Politics

“Profiles in Courage”


The best-selling book that
helped give Jack Kennedy
national notice.

Road to the White House

“JFK’s Early Campaign”


After a brush with 1956
V.P. slot, JFK sets sights
on 1960 presidential run.

Road to the White House

“JFK’s Early Campaign”


As JFK wins big in U.S.
Senate re-election, he also
campaigns nationally.

Road to the White House

“JFK’s Early Campaign”


In the 3rd year of his
“unofficial campaign,”
JFK is front-runner.

Politics & Celebrity

“The Jack Pack”

Pt.1: 1958-60

Frank Sinatra’s “Rat Pack”
cavort with & campaign for
JFK in his White House bid.

 Politics & Celebrity

“The Jack Pack”

Pt. 2: 1961-64

Good times JFK Inaugural
is followed by some falling
out and tragic endings.

Politics & Baseball

“Jack & Stan”

JFK-Musial: 1960

Politician & ballplayer
form campaign alliance
and a friendship.

Politics & Publishing

“Mailer on Kennedy”

Taschen Book: 2014

“Superman” in the 1960
presidential campaign,
by Mailer & Taschen.

Icons & Advertising

“JFK, Pitchman?”


A popular ex-President is
used in print & TV ads to
sell Omega watches.

Statues & Icons

“JFK’s Texas Statue”

Ft. Worth: 2012

Recounting the upbeat
1963 visit that inspired
a JFK tribute site.

RFK History

“1968 Presidential Race”


Story includes RFK
bid for nomination &
June 1968 assassination.

RFK History

“RFK in Brooklyn”


Robert F. Kennedy gave
hope to urban poor of

Coal & Politics

“Coal & The Kennedys”


JFK, RFK, Ted, Caroline
& RFK, Jr — all gave voice to
plight of coal communities.

First Lady & Pop Culture

“Jackie & The Twist”


Jackie Kennedy helped
bring the new dance to
White House & nation.


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Date Posted: 10 November 2013
Last Update: 27 February 2018
Comments to: jdoyle@pophistorydig.com
Article Citation:
Jack Doyle, “Kennedy History – 14 Stories: 1954-2014”
Topics Page, PopHistoryDig.com, September 22, 2013.